Mission & Values
Our mission is to connect the unconnected to Jesus and His Church by helping them find hope and meaning.
Our vision is to be transformed followers of Jesus who love each other and our community.

We Have Six Ministry Priorities
Worship God
Our first priority for NLC is to worship God corporately and personally.
Our second priority for NLC is to learn to love each other and our community around us.
Our third priority for NLC is that discipleship will basic and deep, repeatable and transferable.
Our fourth priority for NLC is to see God’s people trained, empowered, and engaged to do the work of evangelism.
Service & Ministry
Our fifth ministry priority is for NLC to engage in service and ministry together to help each other, our church, and our community.
Next Gen Ministry
Our sixth priority is to help the next generation live out these priorities.

Our Core Values
We are students of God and culture. We are open to new ways that God leads us and are willing to let die that which is waning. We must continually ask the question: “Are there better or more effective ways in which we can pursue our mission?”
Helping people to become free; learning to release and put off those things that hold them in bondage. Restoration is a social consciousness that pursues justice, purity and the healing work that the gospel brings into an individual’s life, relationships and culture.
Inviting and welcoming people into our lives, our church, our systems, our structures, and our homes.
Being teachable, curious, and interested as we interact with God's Word, faith, life, people and culture.
Helping people learn to love God deeply and learn how to serve God fully in light of their unique gifts and passions. We begin by meeting people where they are. We are focused and intentional about raising up, training, equipping and encouraging one another in faith, in ministry and in leadership.